Ocean State Credit Union



Certificate of Deposit (CD) Accounts

Ocean State Credit Union offers a variety of savings certificates to meet your financial needs.

  • Easy to open and maintain. Choose your term and earn a fixed rate of return.
  • The minimum balance requirement CD’s up to three-year term is $1,000.*
  • The minimum balance requirement for a four-year term and over is $5,000.**
  • All Certificates are subject to penalties for early withdrawals or close-outs.
  • All Certificates will renew as a new CD of the same type unless otherwise stated.

Certificate of Deposit Rates

Account TypeTermAPY*Interest RateInterest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
1 Year CD*12 Months3.85%3.79563%Quarterly$1,000
18 Month CD*18 Months3.75%3.69839%Quarterly$1,000
2 Year CD*24 Months3.25%3.21113%Quarterly$1,000
3 Year CD*36 Months3.50%3.45498%Quarterly$1,000
4 Year CD**48 Months3.50%3.44508%Monthly$5,000
5 Year CD**60 Months3.50%3.44508%Monthly$5,000

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
* Early Withdrawal Penalty of 3 Months Interest / ** Early Withdrawal Penalty of 6 Months Interest
All Certificates of Deposit & IRA CDs will renew as a new CD of the same type unless otherwise specified.
Products in italics have a special rate. Rates are subject to change at anytime without notice.

Rates effective as of January 1, 2025

How Your Funds are Federally Insured:
The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the federal agency that administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). The NCUSIF, like the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund, is a federal insurance fund backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. The NCUSIF insures member savings in federally insured credit unions, which account for approximately 98 percent of all credit unions. All federal credit unions and the vast majority of state-chartered credit unions are covered by NCUSIF insurance protection. Click here to learn more about how your accounts are federally insured.