Ocean State Credit Union



Money Market Accounts

A Money Market Savings Account offers a more competitive interest rate compared to a standard savings account, as it mandates a higher initial deposit and maintains higher minimum balance thresholds. This type of account can serve as a beneficial substitute for a Certificate of Deposit for individuals seeking flexibility in accessing their funds without any restrictions on time. Moreover, Money Market Savings Accounts can be a convenient option for safeguarding funds earmarked for future investments.

Personal Money Market Accounts

Money Market Accounts

  • A balance of $2,500.00 is required to maintain a Money Market Account and earn the annual percentage yield (APY)*.
  • Interest is compounded and credited monthly.
  • No monthly service charge.
  • Touch-tone teller access available.

Current Money Market Rates

Account TypeTermInterest RateAPY*Interest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
Tier 1None1.48979%1.50%Monthly$2,500.00 - $24,999.99
Tier 2None1.68690%1.70%Monthly$25,000.00 - $49,999.99
Tier 3None1.88365%1.90%Monthly$50,000.00 - $74,999.99
Tier 4None1.98190%2.00%Monthly$75,000.00 & Over

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Products In Italics Have A Special Rate.
Rates Are Subject To Change at anytime without notice

Business Money Market Accounts

Business Money Market Products

With a Business Money Market Account you can earn a higher interest rate and still enjoy ready access to your funds. As your balance grows so does your interest.

  • Must be opened under the Business’ Tax-ID Number
  • A minimum balance of $2,500.00 is required to maintain a Money Market Account and earn the annual percentage yield (APY)*.
  • Interest is compounded and credited monthly.

Business Money Market Rates

Account TypeTermInterest RateAPY*Interest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
Tier 1None1.48979%1.50%Monthly$2,500.00 - $24,999.99
Tier 2None1.68690%1.70%Monthly$25,000.00 - $49,999.99
Tier 3None1.88365%1.90%Monthly$50,000.00 - $199,999.99
Tier 4None1.98190%2.00%Monthly$200,000.00 & Over

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield
Products In Italics Have A Special Rate.
Rates are subject to change after account opening at anytime without notice.

Rates effective as of  January 1, 2025

How Your Funds are Federally Insured

The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the federal agency that administers the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). The NCUSIF, like the FDIC’s Deposit Insurance Fund, is a federal insurance fund backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. The NCUSIF insures member savings in federally insured credit unions, which account for approximately 98 percent of all credit unions. All federal credit unions and the vast majority of state-chartered credit unions are covered by NCUSIF insurance protection. Click here to learn more about how your accounts are federally insured.