Ocean State Credit Union

family on couch


Rates at OSCU

Mortgage Rates

Ocean State Credit Union is a full-service mortgage lender with an experienced staff offering expertise in every area of mortgage lending. We have access to a full range of mortgage sources, and all of our lending specialists are dedicated to finding you the right loan with the most competitive rates and terms.

Please see the link below for our latest Mortgage Rates

Savings Rates

Rates effective as of January 9, 2025

Share & Statement Savings

ProductTermAPY*Interest RateInterest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
Share AccountNone0.05%0.04999%Quarterly$10.00
Deposit AccountNone0.05%0.04999%Quarterly$5.00
Statement SavingsNone0.05%0.04999%Monthly$5.00
Club Accounts50 WeeksOne half week bonusYearly$2.00
Mortgage Escrow0.05%0.04999%YearlyAs Required

IRA Savings

ProductTermAPY*Interest RateInterest PaidMinimum Opening Deposit
Traditional ShareNone0.03%0.02999%Monthly$5.00

Certificate of Deposit

Account TypeTermAPY*Interest RateInterest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
1 Year CD*12 Months3.85%3.79563%Quarterly$1,000
18 Month CD*18 Months3.75%3.69839%Quarterly$1,000
2 Year CD*24 Months3.25%3.21113%Quarterly$1,000
3 Year CD*36 Months3.50%3.45498%Quarterly$1,000
4 Year CD**48 Months3.50%3.44508%Monthly$5,000
5 Year CD**60 Months3.50%3.44508%Monthly$5,000

IRA Certificate of Deposits

Account TypeTermAPY*Interest RateInterest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
1 Year IRA *12 Months3.85%3.79563%Quarterly$500
18 Month IRA *18 Months3.75%3.69839%Quarterly$500
2 Year IRA *24 Months3.25%3.21113%Quarterly$500
3 Year IRA *36 Months3.50%3.45498%Quarterly$500
5 Year IRA **60 Months3.50%3.45498%Quarterly$500

Money Market Accounts

Account TypeTermInterest RateAPY*Interest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
Tier 1None1.48979%1.50%Monthly$2,500.00 – $24,999.99
Tier 2None1.68690%1.70%Monthly$25,000.00 – $49,999.99
Tier 3None1.88365%1.90%Monthly$50,000.00 – $74,999.99
Tier 4None1.98190%2.00%Monthly$75,000.00 & Over

Business Money Market Accounts

Account TypeTermInterest RateAPY*Interest PaidMinimum Deposit to earn APY
Tier 1None1.48979%1.50%Monthly$2,500.00 – $24,999.99
Tier 2None1.68690%1.70%Monthly$25,000.00 – $49,999.99
Tier 3None1.88365%1.90%Monthly$50,000.00 – $199,999.99
Tier 4None1.98190%2.00%Monthly$200,000.00 & Over

APR is Annual Percentage Rate
APY is Annual Percentage Yield
* = Early Withdrawal Penalty of 3 Months Interest
** = Early Withdrawal Penalty of 6 Months Interest
***= Early Withdrawal Penalty of 3 Months Interest / This account will automatically close at maturity and be transferred to your Share Account
~ = All Certificates of Deposit & IRAs Will Renew As A New CD Of The Same Type.
Products In Italics Have A Special Rate.
Rates Are Subject To Change

Auto & Consumer Loan Rates

It is fast and easy to qualify….can start the Loan Application online now!

Rates effective as of January 27, 2023

New Vehicle

Must Have Full Insurance Coverage

MinimumTermRate (as low as)Notes
Up to 36 MonthsRefinance a New Auto 6.25% APR+10% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Up to 60 monthsNew 6.00% APR or Refinance a New Auto 6.75% APR+10% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
$10,000 minimumUp to 72 monthsNew 7.25% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
$20,000 minimumUp to 84 monthsNew 7.75% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage

Used Vehicle

Must Have Full Insurance Coverage.  Maximum Mileage = 90,000 miles.  

Vehicle YearTermRate (as low as)Notes
Model Year 2024-202560 Months6.25% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Model Year 2022-202348 Months7.00% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Model Year 2020-202136 Months7.00% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Model Year 2018-201924 Months7.00% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Older Model Vehicle24 months10.00% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage


Must Have Full Insurance Coverage.  

Vehicle YearTermRate (as low as)Notes
New36 months6.50% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
New60 months6.75% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage
Used36 months7.50% APR15% Down Payment or GAP Coverage

New RV’s (includes Motor Homes and Travel Trailers)

Must Have Full Insurance Coverage.  

Borrowed AmountTermRate (as low as)Notes
$25,000 and less84 months9.75% APR20% Down Payment
$25,001 to $35,000120 months9.75% APR20% Down Payment
$35,001 to $50,000180 months9.75% APR20% Down Payment
$50,001 and Higher180 months9.75% APR20% Down Payment

Used RV’s (includes Motor Homes and Travel Trailers)

Must Have Full Insurance Coverage. 

Borrowed AmountTermRate (as low as)Notes
$25,000 and less84 Months10.00% APR20% Down Payment
$25,001 to $35,000120 Months10.00% APR20% Down Payment
$35,001 to $50,000120 Months10.00% APR20% Down Payment
$50,001 and Higher120 Months10.00% APR20% Down Payment

New Boats

Larger Boats will require Marine Mortgage documents.   *240 month term on Boats over $50,000 require a Balloon Payment.

Borrowed AmountTermRate (as low as)Notes
$25,000 and less84 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$25,001 to $35,000120 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$35,001 to $50,000180 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$50,001 and Higher240 months*8.00% APR20% Down Payment

Used Boats

Larger Boats will require Marine Mortgage documents.  

Borrowed AmountTermRate (as low as)Notes
$25,000 and less84 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$25,001 to $35,000120 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$35,001 to $50,000180 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment
$50,001 and Higher180 months8.00% APR20% Down Payment

DISCLOSURE: Ocean State Credit Union provides loan rates based on a risk rate schedule. The risk rate schedule carefully evaluates an applicant’s credit history, debt to income ratio, assets, and job stability. Ocean State Credit Union is competitive in the market. Completing an application gives our loan officers the tools to provide you a rate that works for your financial needs.

APR = Annual Percentage Rate

+ Call For Vehicle Refinancing Rate (401) 397-1900 ext. 2101

GAP Coverage Available.  Some Restrictions Apply. Rates Are Subject to Change.

Consumer Loan Rates

It is fast and easy to qualify….can start the Loan Application online now!

Rates effective as of January 27, 2023

Home Equity Loans

TermRates (as low as)Notes
60 months6.75% APR80% Maximum Loan to Value
120 months7.00% APR80% Maximum Loan to Value
180 months7.25% APR80% Maximum Loan to Value
240 months7.50% APR

OSCU Home Line Account

TermRates(as low as)
300 monthsPrime Rate Variable – 80% of Appraised Value

Home Equity PLUS Loans

TermRates (as low as)Notes
60 months7.75% APR100% Maximum Loan to Value
120 months8.00% APR100% Maximum Loan to Value
180 months8.25% APR100% Maximum Loan to Value
240 months8.50% APR100% Maximum Loan to Value

Overdraft Protection

TermRates(as low as)
Open15.00% APR – $1,000.00 Maximum Advance in $50.00 Increments

Personal Loans

TermRates (as low as)
Up to 60 months15.75% APR

Debt Consolidation Loans

TermRates (as low as)
Up to 60 months15.75% APR

Pledged Installment

Term Based on Loan Amount

Rate (as low as)TermMaximum Amounts / Terms Per Loan Policy
Savings Rate + 3.00% APRUp to 60 months*Balance of Deposits
CD Rate + 3.00% APRUp to 60 months*Balance of Deposits

DISCLOSURE: Ocean State Credit Union provides loan rates based on a risk rate schedule. The risk rate schedule carefully evaluates an applicant’s credit history, debt to income ratio, assets, and job stability. Ocean State Credit Union is competitive in the market. Completing an application gives our loan officers the tools to provide you a rate that works for your financial needs.

APR = Annual Percentage Rate

Some Restrictions Apply. Rates Are Subject to Change.